Saturday, November 17, 2012


Photos from a few weeks ago, when Derek, Zach, and I went for a night out at OMG Burger, our regular hangout.

Part of having a fancy camera and not knowing how to use all the settings is having photos taken at night turn out like this. Derek looks like he's driving the Back to the Future car.

This is how dark it really was. I really like the design of these street lamps on the path above my apartment. They protect the bulbs inside while still looking stylish. 

I've had their banana split myself, and it's pretty good. 

The guy at the table next to us ordered their 5 stack Katana Burger. This thing is a beast. 

Second thoughts... 

He powered through it to the last bite.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow, that is awesomely huge. Nice guy to let you take pics.