Saturday, March 24, 2012

Geocaching in Takao

There happened to be 2 geocaches hidden within a tenth of a mile of The Shed. It's sunny and gorgeous out today, so I joined the mass of camera toting tourists and went out to find them. The first, Arai railroad crossing, was 500 feet up a path across the street.

There are multiple train crossings where the cache is hidden. I brought my old point & shoot camera, so these photos aren't the greatest.

After a brief search on the far side, I found the cache disguised as a log.

The second cache was hidden above a plum orchard, near a shrine. Tons of nature lovers hanging around this area today.

View of the shrine from the Tenman-gu Shrine from the cache.

The cache itself. I left Elmo behind.

The first of many caching trips in Japan.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Yeah their caches seem to have a much higher quality of items :)
Although Aubs still has her green laser/light and loves it.